Archive for August, 2010

Start Learning English in The Easy Way.. Blogging!

Saturday, August 14th, 2010

I realize that my english is not fluent. Not like my other cousin who works in multinational companies. But what makes me enthusiast is I want to reach my doctoral program. One of requirement that I knew to get sponsorship program (so I will reach my doctoral program) is ability mastering other language. Especially English. I don’t know about what other person’s condition. But I feel my job prosecutes me with many tasks to do. Sometimes it makes me feel that I cannot focus to learn English.

Suddenly I remember that I have hobbies. One of my hobbies is blogging. If I cannot focus to learn English well, so I must force myself to learn English in the easy way. Blogging!

I hope it will work. Although situation doesn’t support me well. (I am writing this article when I had a meeting). Allohu Akbar!!!

Btw, I just know that if I use multi-language wordpress to write article, Google won’t index it. Like this article. If you use multi-language wordpress, you should install new plugin for translate your article. You also can make a new link to your new wordpress that uses other language.

Debat Calon Bupati Kabupaten Bandung 8 Agustus 2010

Saturday, August 7th, 2010

Rencananya pada Hari Ahad, 8 Agustus 2010, 08.00 WIB, bertempat di Gedung K IT Telkom akan dilaksanakan dialog antar kandidat bupati Kab. Bandung yang juga akan dihadiri oleh 200 orang tokoh kabupaten Bandung. Adapun penyelenggaranya adalah Yayasan Forum Aktivis Bandung (FAB).

Semoga akan terpilih nantinya pemimpin yang membawa keberkahan bagi rakyat yang dipimpinnya dan bukan pemimpin yang membawa fitnah akibat ucapan maupun perbuatannya. Amin!!!

NB: Moga2 punuk2 dari truk2 trailer juga gak makin tinggi :) Supaya jalan2 gak pada rusak :)